🎄OFI Christmas Fundraiser🎄

🎄OFI Christmas Fundraiser

🎄Join us to make a life-saving impact this Christmas! 🎄
This year, OFI is supporting the Against Malaria Foundation to protect children and adults in vulnerable areas from malaria and we need your help to make a life-saving impact.
Malaria is one of the deadliest diseases affecting children worldwide and by donating 300 NOK you can provide 5 bednets to those in need. But remember, any contribution is useful! OFI has committed to match all donations, so for every NOK you donate, OFI will donate the same - doubling your impact 🎉
To make a donation, click on the "Gi til denne innsamlingen" button. For alternative payment methods, see below.
How many lives can we save this Christmas? ❀
We have the chance to make a life-defining impact in small children’s lives ✹ The Against Malaria Foundation is one of the most cost-effective charities that exists, with an estimated impact of saving one life for every 56 000 NOK donated.
- By reaching the milestone of 28 000 NOK, we will prevent one malaria-caused death with OFI’s matching help.
- By donating 56 000 NOK, we will prevent two deaths with OFI’s matching help for Christmas!
We hope you will join in helping many children survive!
For 28 000 NOK we can distribute 467 mosquito nets to areas vulnerable to malaria. The nets hamper the spreading of malaria and prevent sickness and death.
The transport of nets to succeptible areas and assistance during set-up are parts of the Against Malaria Foundation's work.

Malaria-preventing mosquito nets (Against Malaria Foundation)

Malaria is a life-threatening disease spread by mosquitos in the tropics, with countries like Kongo, Malawi and Ghana especially affected. Even though malaria is both preventable and curable, it is one of the deadliest diseases for children yearly: 600 000 people died from malaria in 2022.
Malaria bednets costing 60 NOK are a great way of preventing the disease - one bednet can protect up to two children for 2-4 years. It is especially heart-wrecking to consider that 3 year old dies from something that could be avoided through a simple 60 NOK investment.
The Against Malaria Foundation is among the most cost effective charities that exists, making every NOK donated have the largest impact possible. Supporting this initiative is therefore a smart choice for both the heart and the head, exactly like the decisions we make for OFI.

Payment methods

Vipps is the preferred payment method for this fundraiser, and can be used by everyone with a Norwegian, Danish or Swedish phone number. Please note that there is a 4 % transaction fee when vippsing from outside of Norway. It is also possible to donate through bank transfer by clicking on the black "Gi" button on the page. If referencing "OFI Christmas Fundraiser" in the bank message or in the "Hvor hĂžrte du om oss" section after donation, the amount will be coupled to the OFI Fundraiser, however not shown in the live bar.

Tax Deduction in Norway

In 2024 you can deduct from taxable income for a total yearly amount of 25 000 NOK, per person or business that donates. Qualified donations give 22% of the amount in tax deduction, meaning that up to 5 500 NOK less tax may be paid. Log into Min side with the e-mail you used when you donated and register your national identity number. GiEffektivt will report your donation to Skatteetaten at the start of next year.